Wednesday, August 24, 2005

Windy Wednesday…

Murder Accusation at End of Blog…

Edinburgh was rocked by the windiest night last night, at 2am the windows and doors in our flat shook and trembled and the trees outside looked like they were having a come down from crack when I looked out of the window. No doubt the fucking seagulls survived that! Bastards!

Had a good night despite the crew from Swedish TV Arts programme following me about! I am part of their main arts show as they loved my book and comedy! How odd…Sweden? But I love that people who live in a totally different culture get my humour.

Had a wonderful night at the gig and the ‘Funny Women’ show was very interesting… you had to be there!

Murder Accusation Update…
Him-“Leave me alone scary fat woman”
Me-“Tell me you did it?”
Me-“Are you innocent?”
Him-“Yes…now go learn to bake!”

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