Thursday, August 11, 2005

Spiders and sexy pants

Murder Accusation Update at the End of Blog-

Well it’s Thursday already and I can’t believe I have been here a WEEK! Ashley is over tired and may collapse before Saturday, husband has been over wrought with me asking murder questions and I am coping well with doing what I love on stage every night.

I have been to see some great shows and am totally enjoying the Fringe.

The flat we have has a small invasion of big legged spiders, which I actually like, they scuttle in a wee dance like fashion across the hall carpet every morning as I do my toilet run in my baggy knickers and crumpled tee shirt, I think I may have scarred their wee souls for life with that sight. I worry about the spiders.

I have some lovely quotes for my posters from my reviews and am setting about doing that today, the audiences have been good so far and I still have not papered a room yet. I am chalking the city with slogan “Janey Godley Is Innocent”, it does get good attention and people mention it when they see me-so IT WORKS!

I fully intend to go to the Critics versus Comics footie match on Saturday and play for my team…I love football but am not as fit as I was and need to STOP eating cake! But Victoria Beckham stopped eating cake and her husband just went off and shagged a woman who does eat cake????? What does that mean???

Murder accusation update…
Me-“Did you kill that man who killed my mum?”
Him-“Do you want cake?”
Me-“Answer my question first”
Him (ignoring me and holding up a cake)-“Do you want cake?”

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