My mammy Annie was a wee Glasgow working class woman, with a
lot of poverty and addiction problems. My problems today seem insurmountable so
I thought I would compare them to my mothers in the 60s/70s/80s
Janey 2015. I couldn't get my new Iphone to work today and
was utterly distraught, I thought I was going to have a nervous breakdown.
Annie 1960. Am pregnant again and the three I have got are
making me insane, never mind Valium has been invented and so has the Pill.
Janey 2015. I am too tired to wash my hair to do comedy for
20 minutes for a good wage.
Annie 1967. I am exhausted the four kids have chicken
pox....mmmm Valium is good, I feel shaky without it but have to do a 12 hours
shift in the box making factory.
Janey 2015. My husband is crap at hanging up the washing and
I wish he heated the car before he drove me to work.
Annie 1968. My husband is drunk again, no wages and the
doctor won't give me more Valium, we may have to borrow a can of soup off my
neighbour and share it between the kids.
Janey 2015. I can't be arsed trying to figure out what to
wear tonight and with what shoes?
Annie 1968. The kids have all grown out of or destroyed their
one pair of shoes each, I will have to shove lino inside them to cover up the
holes. I will wear wellington ankle boots till next pay day.
Janey 2015. Some guy was really sexist on facebook today, I
want him barred off facebook.
Annie 1969. The boss at work felt my breasts again, better
not say anything in case my husband gets annoyed or I get sacked. Just try and
cover my boobs up more, my own stupid fault.
Janey 2015. My new laptop arrived, how do I work this, it takes so long to set it up.
Annie 1970. The electricity has been disconnected, I never
paid feeling really bad about the amount of Valium am taking, but it
helps me block it all out.
Janey 2015. I need to check my bank account online.
Annie 1971. I need to beg money from my family, the kids
need new school uniforms.
Janey 2015. Bloody Itunes gave me U2 whether I wanted it or
not I hate U2.
Annie 1980. I hate U2 what happened to music?
Janey 2015. Might go a wee holiday this year.
Annie 1892. My new boyfriend is scaring me.
Annie Currie died in 1982 at the hands of her boyfriend.
Janey 2015. I miss my mammy.