Monday, August 22, 2005


Murder Accusation Update at end of Blog

Show went great last night despite being an odd Sunday rainy night and it was really good fun, my kind of audience, all nutty and up for anything!

Then I went onto to MC the Funny Woman show at the late night slot, it was fucking great … trust me! I was amazed to be on the same bill as other females, as we normally are well spread out over the entire country! The women were all well funny and it’s a great value show.

Was woke up this morning by BBC Radio 5Live who called me at 9am to ask me if I wanted to be a guest on their Live show at 11am, I said YES and promptly fell back asleep, then at 11am my mobile rang loudly and I simply leaned over, picked up the phone FARTED and coughed then realised I was LIVE ON AIR! I was so tired and in my dreamy head four wee happy bushy squirrels were dancing to “I Love to love” by the 70’s disco star Tina Charles! Go happy dancing squirrel GO! Then I realised I was being asked a question by the interviewer about language and dialect and my brain was DEAD. But I managed to point out that yes…Tony Blair does have a generic English accent for someone who was born in SCOTLAND! How I laughed, how the squirrels danced and then I chatted more about Glasgow words, the show ended and I fell back to sleep.

I woke up at 12 midday and laughed as I dreamt I had been live on air talking mad shite, then realised IT WAS TRUE! I need to get more sleep and stop doing too many late night shows!
Got a lovely write up in the Scotsman today about Ashley and I on stage at SPANK!

Murder Accusation Update…

Him-“I hate it when you keep asking me mental questions”
Me-“Did you do it?”
Him-“No a squirrel

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